Love is not the destination but on the way
Love is not a destination to reach, but a way of living.
Do you want to live in Love on a daily basis? Me too. All of us.
That said, I am often fooled by the paradigms of our current culture: if I want something it is a goal to be achieved and therefore there are steps and a plan to achieve it.
And on the way, it may be a hassle but it’s worth it given the objective, isn’t it?
Well, no. Love is not to be reached. If I want Love it’s on a daily basis, on the way and I have to start by changing my own behaviors.
If I want love, I must already be Love myself and therefore love myself in the first place and then love others around me and give accordingly.
It’s not easy to be Love. But it is only by embodying it that I allow its contact and that by being Love and well I could also bathe in it.
Love is there, everywhere, always. It is not to be reached but to be authorized, at every moment.
Afterwards, how to love yourself, how to open up to giving and loving others, the questions around tolerance, acceptance, detachment etc... are the following to consider.
But already, I stop thinking that we would have to struggle to achieve serenity, peace, calm, joy, Love.
It’s a better start.